Percheron Horses

Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman

Percheron Thunder driven by Jason Goodman. Roman Riding six black horses with a total weight of 12,300 pounds. Percheron Thunder is presented by the award winning driver, Jason Goodman, and the majestic Percheron Thunder display team. Below you can see Percheron Thunder in action at Horse Progress Days

Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman

Jason Goodman performed at the 2015 Wrangler National Finals with his spectacular six horse hitch and stunning white hitch wagon (carriage). He began Roman Riding six horses at the World Percheron Congress in 2006 at Lexington, Virginia. He has performed his act of Roman Riding six black Percheron draft horses at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo from 2006 thru 2010.

Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman
Besides the National Finals Rodeo, Jason and the Percherons perform at other prestigious rodeos such as the Calgary Stampede, Cheyenne Frontier Days, San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo, Reno Rodeo and the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo.

What does Jason hope to demonstrate through the horses` performances? His answer, in short: the inherent athleticism of heavy horses and the historical significance of draft animals.

Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman
A lot of people have this perception of a draft horse as being a lumbering animal. They don`t know how fast and athletic these animals can be. Besides that, a lot of people have never seen how these horses can work together.

Jason has been recognized as a top five specialty act by the PRCA four times. He is the only driver of draft horses to ever perform at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.

Jason and his wife Rose make their home in Ft. Collins, CO.

Percheron Thunder can perform a 2, 3 or 5 minute exhibition in an arena setting. These exhibitions are set to high energy music and showcase the true talent our veteran driver and the Percheron horses. Jason takes his six outstanding horses through a series of manoeuvres rarely seen in this day and age. Roman riding through circles, large and small figure eights, and putting these amazing horses into a high speed gallop around the arena. Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman

Percheron Thunder Driven By Jason Goodman